The Pendulum Swings... Slightly Less Than Half a Nation Weeps

Alex Koyfman

Posted November 10, 2016

Two days ago, the very same electorate that gave us two doses of Barrack Obama’s Hope and Change gave us the first-ever non-career politician president-elect: Donald J. Trump.

As far as regime changes go, this is about as stark as I’ve ever heard of, much less seen with my own two eyes.

From a liberal attorney swept into office thanks to an unprecedented minority and millennial turnout, to a white septuagenarian billionaire who apparently cannot keep his mouth shut or his hands to himself.

What are we to make of this?

In my mind, the answer is simple: enough was enough.

Over the last eight years, American society was tested to its limits by what was actually the most divisive administration in its history…

An administration that weighed in on matters of race, religion, sexual orientation, gun ownership, and the very definition of what it means to be an American, to a degree never before approached.

Division and Conquest

The result was not more unity, empathy, mutual understanding, and respect, but more paranoia, more interracial suspicion, more hatred, and more tension than ever before.

In appealing to the sensibilities of the social justice warrior class that put him into office, the net effect of Barrack Obama’s presidency was a society more segmented than ever, since perhaps the height of the civil rights movement of the early 1960s.

And when his term began to approach its ending, those who rose as the heirs apparent — Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton — did so on a second, even stronger tide of guilt-mongering, paranoia-inspiring finger-pointing.

Inequality between the classes. Inequality between the races. Inequality between the genders.

Once again, the legions of tear-spraying social justice warriors lined up to buy into and strengthen the flow of guilt and paranoia, this time pointing their fingers at everything reminiscent of the establishment.

Never mind that the establishment, at that point, included a black president and two consecutive attorney generals. Never mind that blacks as a whole saw the biggest collective loss of net worth under that same black president.

Never mind that under Obama, our national economy, despite a smoke-and-mirrors gain in jobs, declined to record-low levels of productivity.

Never mind that under Obama, the dollar, under the strain of years of merciless quantitative easing, entered its most vulnerable time in modern history.

The fault was perceived to belong to the old-school establishment, and that’s where the guilt remained.

And to blame anybody but Bush and the billionaire class was immediately branded as racist, sexist, and elitist to boot.

For years, we watched the blame fall on the 1%, on straight white males, on Republicans, on Christians, as if those segments of the population stood alone against everyone else.

The Medicine That’s Worse Than the Disease

We watched the likes of Bernie Sanders, a self-professed socialist, rise to prominence while pushing the most un-American platform in history, shamelessly ignoring the bloody history of what happens when big government and communism get together.

It got to the point where millions of young Americans actually bought into a completely revised and false version of history, all because the leftist propaganda led them down that path, and sat back as they swallowed the lies, hook, line, and sinker.

According to a survey carried out by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, almost one-third (32%) of millennials believe that more people died under the rule of George W. Bush than Joseph Stalin, who was perhaps THE most prolific mass murderer of all time.

The very same millennials who helped sweep Obama into office, led down a path of total fiction, set up to elect Obama’s continuation.

Trump, unlike his opposition, wasn’t pushing this propaganda.

Despite a few very public, highly unadvised statements regarding his personal treatment of women, and prospective plans for stemming the refugee flow from the Middle East, Trump distinguished himself by saying very little about the systemic inequalities still in place in American society.

He didn’t volunteer any outrage at the supposed gender wage gap. He didn’t volunteer any statements regarding institutional racism. He didn’t volunteer any statements decrying the mistreatment of members of the LGBT community.

And in failing to do so, he was branded a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist predator by the same propaganda machine that created the atmosphere of establishment-shaming in the first place.

For a while, it appeared that this approach would work yet again… that the legions of social justice warriors and leftist head-nodders would pile into the Kool-Aid line and vote as they always did.

But that was when enough became enough, and the silent majority that Trump promised would show up did just that.

Donald Trump is now president-elect, and the leftist establishment is having none of it.

They’re calling it a disaster, a sign that the end is near, a clear and unadulterated perversion of the democratic process, an outright mistake.

In many ways, they sound just like the anti-Obama birthers and conspiracy theorists did eight years ago… all because of a few misplaced comments, a few indiscreet acts, a handful of poorly chosen facial expressions.

All the while, it’s perfectly okay for the leftist poster child, Hillary Clinton, to refer to half of the American electorate as “deplorable,” just because as a lefty, she can say and do whatever she wants and remain untouchable… just like her husband did in his time.

The Pendulum Swings

Well, apparently, that time is over.

The liberal smoke screen has finally lifted. Our collective walk down the path of delusion has come to an end.

Donald Trump isn’t so much a result of that mass-sobering as he is a symptom. Too many people are too sick and tired of hearing the same tripe.

Of course, it will take time for Trump to gain acceptance, and among many, he very likely never will.

However, as a contrast to Obama, who the left viewed as the “coolest,” “hippest,” and all around “most likeable” president in the history of the universe, consider this:

obama approval

Obama’s highest approval rating came in the days immediately after his inauguration, at a time when the nation and, in large part, the entire world was swooning under the spell of a young, fresh new face.

Trump’s approval, by contrast, is likely to start in the depths of hell, with nowhere to go but up.

Obama’s presidency, like his approval rating, went largely as an undelivered promise. Practically speaking, we are not better off. The economy isn’t in good shape. The dollar is in shambles. Our stance as a superpower has never been more in question.

If Trump’s administration mirrors the contrasting view many Americans have of him, does that mean he actually will deliver?

We have no choice but to find out.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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